Limited or Limitless? Sep 23, 2022


“The soul becomes dyed by the color of its thoughts.”
— Marcus Aurelius


Often the one thing that prevents you from getting what you want is your mind. 

If you believe there is only one way to do things, you are limiting yourself. If you look at everything in terms of loss and failure, you lim...

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We Can Make Heroes Jun 10, 2022

We’ve all been traumatized and shaken by recent events. When tragedy hits a community in our country, we feel helpless and wish we could do something to show that we care.

These tragedies hit us hard because they have a way of affecting everyone, whether you're reading about it online or hearing it...

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Looking for Pushy Angels May 17, 2022

I have shared my story many times, so you may already know that at a very young age, I had experienced a few lifetime’s worth of heartache and trauma. Then people came into my life and took an interest in me. I refer to them as Pushy Angels; they pushed me to achieve more…but they did it with kindne...

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OCC Success Stories Apr 05, 2022

At Ortega Counseling Center, we thrive on hearing and sharing good news. You may sometimes wonder what happened to a client after he or she was referred to our center.  Take a look at our most recent success stories.

 A client who worked at a mechanic shop completed an educational program and earne...

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A Different Kind of Love Story Feb 14, 2022

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive"
- Harold Whitman


I knew I wanted to make a difference in the world, but I didn’t know how. 

One day I was talking to a friend who told ...

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The call that changed Andrew's life! Nov 30, 2021

OCC client, Andrew was injured on the job and was referred to OCC for counseling. Hear him tell his inspiring story!

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From Vouchers to Vocational Evaluations Nov 22, 2021

What you may not know about the voucher could change so many lives!

Watch the GIEAAA Chapter Meeting Testimonial Video for a great success story and a lively discussion full of valuable information! 

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Making a Lasting Impact in the World Sep 29, 2021

My passion is to make a difference in the world, which is why I founded Ortega Consulting, to help injured workers back on their feet by finding schools so they can train and get the jobs they love. My passion for making a difference was reinforced when I met Vania MasĂ­as, a professional ballerina w...

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